Blog Innovation on Display

Explore Our 2022 NIHF Inductees With a New Museum Exhibit

Innovation on Display Behind the NIHF Scenes

In celebration of our 2022 class of National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF) Inductees, we are excited to announce the opening of a brand-new NIHF Museum exhibit that invites visitors to learn more about the incredible contributions these innovators have made to our society.

Located across from the museum’s main attraction, the Gallery of Icons, this new exhibit features the 29 visionary inventors who make up the NIHF Inductee Class of 2022. Visitors will also see rare artifacts that provide additional context to the inventions for which these individuals are being recognized.

Below are a few of the items that will be on display.


Gun Carriage Patent Model

This patent model represents one of the defense technologies developed by NIHF Inductee James Buchanan Eads during the Civil War. Improving on previous gun carriages, Eads’ design allowed the user to mechanically adjust the vertical aim and range. Using water, steam or air, the user could lower and raise both the carriage and frame.


Original Bullard Hard Boiled Hat

Manufactured in 1919, this original Hard Boiled® Hat was designed by NIHF Inductee Edward W. Bullard to protect miners from falling objects. Constructed using steamed canvas, glue, a leather brim and black paint, its name refers to the steam used in the manufacturing process.


Redactron Manual

In the 1970s, Redactron, a company founded by NIHF Inductee Evelyn Berezin, promoted the advanced features of its Dual Magnetic Card Editing Typewriter in marketing brochures. Making typing easier and faster, the editing typewriter allowed users to “backspace by character, or word or line and type over the error and continue typing.” Word processing would go on to become a standard tool not just in business, but also in personal computing.


Automatic Surgical Tourniquet

During surgery, tourniquets are used to restrict blood flow, minimizing blood loss and creating a bloodless operating field. Invented by NIHF Inductee James McEwen, automatic surgical tourniquets like the one on display feature an automatic timer to provide an accurate record of inflation time.


Ophthalmic Instruments and Microscope

Designed to help examine, diagnose or research eye conditions and disease, NIHF Inductee Patricia Bath’s ophthalmic instruments offer a glimpse into her time as a practicing ophthalmologist. Featured items include her ophthalmoscope, used for viewing the interior of the eye, and eye occluder, used to cover one eye during examinations or treatments.


Long Pulsed Ruby Laser

This commercial laser is similar to a laboratory prototype ruby laser developed by NIHF Inductee R. Rox Anderson. Designed with the same wavelength, similar spot sizes and comparable pulse-widths, Anderson developed his ruby laser for hair removal.


Optical Fiber Display

This Corning® ClearCurve® single-mode optical fiber display demonstrates the flexibility of the bend-insensitive optical fiber developed by NIHF Inductees Dana Bookbinder, Ming-Jun Li and Pushkar Tandon. Due to its elasticity and ability to transmit data with little to no distortion, this product has become a popular choice for indoor installations.


Learn More and Visit the NIHF Museum

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