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STEM Activity: Super Bookmaking

Get ready to be a bookmaking superhero as you explore creative ways of designing an innovation-themed graphic novel!


Materials Needed

  • Copy paper
  • Hole punch
  • Magazines or decorative paper
  • Markers
  • Pencil
  • Ribbon, string or twine
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Two pieces of cardstock or thick cardboard


At-Home or In-Classroom Instructions

1. Design your own superhero storyline for a graphic novel, utilizing innovation as a theme.

2. Stack several sheets of copy paper together. Use a ruler and pencil to make boxes for your sketches. Write your story using both sides of the paper.

3. Turn one of your pieces of cardstock or cardboard into a cover, and design it with markers and other craft supplies.

4. With a pencil, place at least four dots evenly spaced alongside the left edge (i.e., binding) of two pieces of cardstock or cardboard to serve as the cover. The dots should be about a quarter inch from the edge.

5. Place the paper between the covers, punch the holes, and then stitch the pages together with string or thread.

6. Be sure to add your name, the year and a copyright mark (©) before sharing your original work with others.

What are we learning?

Long before there was electronic ink (think of your favorite e-reader), early pioneers of sharing content worked on refining the printing process. National Inventors Hall of Fame® Inductee Richard Hoe invented the rotary press, allowing newspapers to be printed at lightning-speed when compared to the original process. A later improvement to his rotary press enabled newspapers to be printed on both sides of the paper in one move. In modern times, it is much easier for people to distribute creative works. With the rapid pace of exchanging information through the internet, we face new challenges. Some of these challenges include creators not receiving credit for their work or having it shared without their permission.

The symbol © indicates that a copyright has been claimed, which means that no one other than the creator or owner has the right to copy, give out, perform or display the work without the owner’s permission. Copyrights are for written works (like books and articles), paintings, photographs and recorded music, but not for nonphysical items (like ideas or facts). Original work is automatically protected by a copyright when it is created but it can be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office through the Library of Congress to provide increased protection.


Looking for an exciting new way to explore STEM?

Thousands of children across the country have engaged in confidence-building fun with our Innovation Exploration Kits™. Each kit offers tons of materials for endless exploration and creativity, delivered right to your door. To learn more check out our website!

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