Blog STEM Activities

3 Ways to Say ‘Thank You’ This Mother’s Day

STEM Activities

Being a parent is one of the most important jobs anyone can have. As our first role models in life, parents teach us resilience, kindness, persistence and how to overcome obstacles. We should all use this Mother’s Day as an opportunity to thank the motherly figures in our lives for their support, love and time, and to remind them that they are doing a great job!

To help your child show gratitude for the mother figure in their life, check out a few creative ideas below that will also spark their STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) skills.


1. Design a Homemade Card

Put your creativity to the test by designing a one-of-a-kind card to show your appreciation. First, brainstorm ideas for the design. You might want to draw their favorite flowers, a picture of your best memory with them or a portrait of the two of you together.

Once you’ve created your masterpiece on the front of the card, fill the inside with a heartfelt message. Consider challenging yourself to come up with a list of reasons you appreciate them, a poem about your relationship or story recap of the most meaningful time you’ve spent together this year!


2. Make Their Favorite Sweet Treat

Enlist the help of an adult and get cooking with fun recipes sure to please any mom with a sweet tooth. While you might want to search for instructions on how to make their favorite treat or call a relative to try out a trusted family recipe, you also can check out our STEM blogs covering cookies and caramel sauce, chocolate designs, homemade ice cream and hot cocoa bombs to spark your creativity while promoting STEM learning in the kitchen!

To make the day extra special, share your homemade dessert with them while watching their favorite movies or talking about their day. You might even want to tell them about the new skills and concepts you learned while baking – like measurement, chemistry, color theory and more!


3. Ask How You Can Help

Many moms are empathy experts, using their time and skills to help the ones they love. This Mother’s Day, return the favor by asking what you can do to help them feel special too! To encourage an empathetic mindset, start by checking out this awesome STEM activity and learn how inventors use empathy to help others.

Then, think of ways you can apply this same mindset to Mother’s Day. Whether it is inventing something new to make their life easier, offering to help around the house, or simply spending time with them and learning about their favorite activities, small actions speak great volumes to those we love. Sometimes, the best gift is showing curiosity in another person’s interests and daily tasks to make their day a little bit brighter!


Share Your Celebration

The National Inventors Hall of Fame® would like to thank and commend all mothers for their extraordinary strength and continued support for the young innovators in their lives!

Do you have an awesome mother figure in your life who you want to shout out or a creative idea to celebrate the ones you love? We want to hear about it! Share your story with us on Facebook.

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