Blog STEM Activities

STEM Activity: DIY Concert for Kids

STEM Activities

Happy World Music Day! To celebrate this day, many local musicians organize free concerts to share their talents and celebrate sound. The music can be upbeat, slow or anything in between! Follow the steps below to put on your own concert using DIY instruments.


Materials Needed

  • Craft materials (e.g., craft sticks, pipe cleaners, buttons, rubber bands)
  • Craft paper or copy paper
  • Crayons, markers or colored pencils
  • Recyclables (e.g., paper towel rolls, plastic bottles, cardboard boxes)
  • Scissors
  • Tape


Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Using craft materials and clean recyclables, use your imagination and build any musical instrument you’d like. Not sure where to start? Think about making:
    • Something that can be strummed
    • Something that can be hit like a drum
    • An instrument inspired by animal sounds
    • Check out these ideas for more inspiration!  
  2. Did you know your voice is also considered an instrument? Use a megaphone, microphone, cone or rolled piece of paper to project your wonderful instrument!
  3. Sketch the ultimate stage for a live performance, and then build it!
    • Consider how pillows, sheets, cardboard or other materials might be useful.  
  4. Design a one-of-a-kind logo for your band, and then put it on a flyer to market your event.
  5. Invite family or friends to your DIY instrument concert and put on a DIY Music Maker show!


What Are We Discovering?

Music can be a powerful influence. It can inspire us to think creatively and provide motivation for work and play.

Many National Inventors Hall of Fame® Inductees have made music and other forms of art a part of their lives. To learn how Hall of Famer Radia Perlman finds inspiration playing classical music with her daughter, check out this video.

In addition to boosting creativity, listening to music can also help strengthen mathematics and memory skills. Whatever the reason or method you use, be sure to make music a part of your world!


Looking for Even More STEM Fun? Check Out Camp Invention!

If your child enjoys STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) activities, they will love Camp Invention®, NIHF’s nationwide K-6 STEM summer camp! To learn more about this year’s brand-new program and to reserve your spot today, we invite you to visit our website.

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