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Is a Lack of Student Interest Holding STEM Back?

What is STEM learning?

STEM learning is achieved through a curriculum focused on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. These core subjects form the foundation for STEM education in the classroom.”

Why is STEM learning important?

The skills acquired from a STEM-based education help to prepare children for future success. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics are all around us in everyday life, regardless of the career paths we follow. Beyond this, STEM learning helps to instill skills like creativity, problem solving, curiosity, flexibility and communication. These qualities are foundational for preparing students to find success in their personal and professional lives.

What is holding STEM learning back?

The obstacles facing STEM learning are not due to a lack of effort on the part of educators. According to Education Week, only 38 percent of students are naturally interested in these subjects, with 69 percent reported to be interested in technology, 42 percent in science, 25 percent in engineering and 14 percent in mathematics. With this lack of interest come challenges in engaging students.

Making concepts exciting and interesting for students can be a challenge for teachers, especially when those students are not naturally interested in a certain subject. The solution is hands-on learning that allows educators to help students connect their lessons to their own life experience, helping to increase interest, engagement and comprehension.

How can educators bring hands-on learning into the classroom?

When educators provide students the opportunity to think outside the box, solve problems in their own unique way and address real-world issues they face in their own lives, students are more likely to enjoy learning and to apply what they’ve learned outside of the classroom.

Creating a makerspace in a classroom is one way to accomplish this. Establish a space for hands-on learning that allows students to think, create, test and retest, and bring their inventions to life.

For more insight on how to bring a makerspace to your school and offer hands-on learning opportunities to your students, contact the STEM education professionals at the National Inventors Hall of Fame® today.

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