Blog Trends in STEM

The Business Behind The Big Game

Trends in STEM Everyday STEM

With The Big Game coming up, it’s easy to make STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) connections to the game of football, from the physics behind kicks and passes to the inventions that help us enjoy the game as we know it today. Every year, this event captivates millions worldwide for not only the excitement of football, but also the massive business opportunities it presents. Beyond touchdowns and halftime shows, this famous game represents the intersection of athletics, entertainment and entrepreneurship.

The National Inventors Hall of Fame® has long recognized how entrepreneurship is tied to innovation, specifically through stories and lessons from the nation’s greatest inventors, our Inductees. The Big Game offers us a fun chance to look at how a wide variety of businesses and brands use this yearly event to connect with their audiences.


A Fan Favorite: Commercials

While so many people tune in for the culmination of the NFL season and the contest between two talented teams, countless viewers also enjoy the commercials at every break and timeout. From ones that tug on our heartstrings to ones that make us laugh out loud, advertisements during The Big Game provide a nearly unmatched opportunity to reach millions of people.

Though most commercials during the game top out at 30 seconds, many businesses do an exceptional job at telling meaningful stories to sell their products and services. These narratives, however, come with a high price. CBS, the network broadcasting the game in 2024, was seeking $6.5 million to $7 million per 30-second ad, and was sold out of advertising space well before the end of 2023.

This grand spectacle of marketing goes far beyond simply showcasing goods and services. While the price tag for a single commercial is a lofty one, businesses are able to achieve both exposure and engagement on a massive scale. The brand-building power behind promotions during this event are unlike any other, capitalizing on a time when consumers are excited for ads that are fun and fresh.


Make Connections With Your Family

After The Big Game, encourage your family to share which commercials they enjoyed the most. Spark discussion with the following:

  • Why did they like the commercial(s) they chose as their favorite? 
  • What made that commercial unique? Was there anything fun that stood out to them? 
  • Ask your child to create a commercial for a product or item that they use, like their favorite snack food or a toy they love. Have them write a script, gather props and act it out!


Hosting, Hospitality and Merchandise

In addition to the major advertising dollars The Big Game generates, it also encourages positive entrepreneurship in other industries. Restaurants, hotels and local businesses in the city holding the game gear up for tourists and fans, preparing for increased business and tailoring their products and experiences toward this major event.

Additionally, companies all over the world create apparel and merchandise that promote and commemorate both teams playing.

Entrepreneurship at its most basic level relates to innovation as it encourages curiosity and risk-taking to create confident leaders who follow their dreams. Each year, The Big Game opens the door for these kinds of entrepreneurial endeavors, inspiring large-scale marketing creativity and bold business strategies.


Explore More about the Science of Sports and Build Entrepreneurship Skills

Give your child an unforgettable opportunity to discover fun, real-world ties to athletics, business and so much more this summer at our all-new Camp Invention® program! Learn more and register here.

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