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How Educators Can Reinvent Their Summer Learning Strategies

Educator Insights

Informed by over 30 years of providing innovative STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education to millions of students across the country, the National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF) knows that each school district has its own summer learning needs.

That’s why we have designed K-6 summer learning programs that adapt to your needs. Our solutions flex to fit your school’s unique hour and academic subject requirements, and they can work as stand-alone programs or complement your larger summer learning strategy.

Thousands of districts nationwide continue to partner with NIHF for customized summer learning programs that offer:


Solutions that Maximize Funding

All our STEM programs qualify for a variety of funding, including ESSER, Title I-IV, 21st CCLC, Migrant Education, Early Learning Challenge, and state and local district resources.


Built-in Support and Professional Development

NIHF provides everything schools need for a successful summer learning experience including a complete program curriculum, materials, professional development and even grant proposal support.


Instant Impact

With the ability to spark joy in both teaching and learning, NIHF’s hands-on programming provides instant engagement by empowering children’s natural curiosity and creativity.


Flexible Implementation

Our summer programming can be completely customized for your district’s hour requirements and curriculum specifications to combat learning loss and provide essential social-emotional learning (SEL) opportunities.


Research-Backed SEL

Independent evaluations have found that participating in NIHF’s summer programming results in short- and long-term improvements in SEL skills, including collaboration, creativity and problem solving.


Hear What Educators Are Saying About Our Programming

“The projects offered through NIHF provide teachers with everything they would need to deliver authentic STEM experiences that require no work on their end.” – Greg A., Principal, Cleveland Metropolitan School District

“The National Inventors Hall of Fame program exceedingly met the areas of creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. The students were excited about coming to school — unheard of for summer school — and they want this program next year.” – Sam G., Principal, Durfee Elementary School

“I have to turn away teachers who ask to teach this program, because so many enjoy it, and the word is out that this is a great program.” Carol M., Supervisor of Migrant Program, Hillsborough County Public Schools


Bring NIHF’s Summer Programming to Your District Today

To learn more about how NIHF can provide a customized summer learning solution for your school or district, we invite you to visit our website.

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