Blog Trends in STEM

How to Celebrate National Be a Kid Again Day

Trends in STEM

July 8 is National Be a Kid Again Day! It’s the perfect time to celebrate the importance of expanding your imagination, practicing creativity and embracing childlike wonder.

Whether you choose one of the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) ideas below or relive your own favorite childhood activities, make sure you set aside time to unplug and enjoy hands-on fun with your family.


Design a Sidewalk Chalk Masterpiece

What better way to take advantage of nice weather than becoming a sidewalk chalk artist? Draw, color and express yourself! Add an element of learning by discussing pigment and color theory with your child. You can even make it a competition by drawing a giant driveway gameboard and putting your own twist on a family-favorite game.


Take a Trip to a Local Park or Zoo

Explore science in action by journeying out to a park or zoo where you can allow yourself to ask questions, get wide-eyed at your favorite animals, and learn something new about the native plants and animals in your area. To take the fun home with you, you can also brainstorm ways to support these native populations firsthand. Perhaps you could set up a bee house and plant native flowers to attract pollinators or supply safe water sources for neighborhood critters!


Practice Creativity in the Kitchen

Have you considered the relationship between baking or cooking and chemistry? Converting measurements and mixing ingredients to make something new and delicious is a great way to combine fun and learning! Instead of flagging down the ice cream truck, your family can try this STEM activity to make your own sweet treat that is sure to keep you cool this summer. Then, in true kid spirit, go crazy with all your favorite sundae toppings!


Build a Cozy Pillow Fort

Uncover your skills as an architect and engineer by imagining your dream hideaway and bringing it to life — pillow-fort style! Using chairs, couches or tables as structural support, gather pillows, clips, blankets, broomsticks and whatever other building materials you have around your home. Once it’s set up and stable, crawl inside and get comfortable! You can even use your kitchen creations for snacking as you pick a good movie to watch in your expertly crafted fort. STEM documentaries, anyone?


Compete in a Water Balloon Toss

Brush up on your teamwork and cool down on a warm summer day by playing a game of water balloon toss! Break into pairs and go back and forth throwing and catching a water balloon without breaking it. With each successful catch, take one step farther from each other. When your balloon breaks, your team is out. The team with the longest distance between them after a safe catch is the winner!


Keep the Celebration Going Year-Round

To discover more fun, family STEM activities and to stay up to date on the latest STEM trends, we encourage you to check out our blog!

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