A contribution to the National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF) helps support inventors and invention, promotes creativity, and advances the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship across the country. Make a donation today!

Blog Behind the NIHF Scenes

Encouraging Lifelong Creativity

Behind the NIHF Scenes

At the National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF), we have a lot to be grateful for. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you directly for supporting our mission of recognizing inventors and invention, promoting creativity, and advancing the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship.


Supporting imaginative learning

NIHF’s education programs are designed to spark creativity and foster inventiveness, and each one is made possible by the educators who facilitate them across the country and the parents who choose them for their children. We are thankful for the opportunity to partner with educators and parents who are dedicated to ensuring that all children learn to see themselves as capable creators.


Funding creative opportunities

We believe that there is immense creative potential in every individual – and our sponsors and donors provide essential funding to help unlock that potential. Whether they’re contributing to the materials our program participants need to bring their creative ideas to life, or providing funds for scholarships (which make NIHF programming accessible to underserved children across all communities), we are beyond grateful for all those who invest in creativity and innovation.


Pursuing big ideas

Behind all NIHF curricula is the inspiration found in the stories of great inventors. We wish to thank all our NIHF Inductees as well as all participants in our Collegiate Inventors Competition® for acting as creative role models for the next generation. We appreciate that these inventors often choose to get directly involved with the participants in our programs – showing them that they too can become successful innovators, creators and entrepreneurs.


Help us continue to spark creativity

If you’d like to learn more about how NIHF promotes creativity and find ways to get involved with our efforts, please visit invent.org.

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