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6 Federal Funding Resources to Support Your Students

Educator Insights

Ever since it was established in 1867, the Department of Education has placed great importance on maximizing student potential and investing crucial resources to ensure everyone has access to quality education.

It’s for this reason that in March 2020, when schools across the country needed immediate support, as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the federal government passed the first of three Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) packages worth $13.2 billion.

These three ESSER packages, totaling a combined $189.5 billion, have been essential in helping educators provide the support their students need – especially through effective, high-quality out-of-school (OST) programs.

However, as the deadline to spend these funds quickly approaches, schools might need to tap into other available funding sources to maintain their current extracurricular offerings or bring new opportunities to their students.


Explore Existing Federal Funding Sources

Fortunately, there are several federal funding sources schools can still access, including:

  1. Title I Funding provides federal funds to schools with high numbers of students from low-income families, aiming to improve academic achievement and narrow the achievement gap through supplemental resources, targeted interventions and support for disadvantaged students.  
  2. Title II Funding supports effective instruction and educator professional development by providing federal funds to improve teacher quality, recruit and retain highly qualified educators, and enhance classroom instruction through evidence-based practices and innovative teaching strategies.  
  3. Title III Funding aids English Language Learners (ELL) programs by providing federal funds to help ELL students achieve English proficiency, boost academic success and ensure equitable access to educational opportunities through language instruction, bilingual education, professional development and family engagement initiatives.  
  4. Title IV Funding promotes a well-rounded education, safe and healthy schools, effective use of technology and support for the whole child, including strategies to improve access to rigorous coursework, school counseling services, violence prevention efforts and technology integration.  
  5. Title V Rural and Low-Income School Program gives funding to rural districts with low-income students to support education tactics aimed at improving academic achievement and student outcomes.  
  6. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Funding assists states and districts in supporting special education and related services for children with disabilities.


Make the Most of Your Funding Resources

For over 30 years, the National Inventors Hall of Fame® has developed engaging, hands-on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) experiences for millions of K-8 students in all 50 states.

Contact us today to learn more about our unique approach to maximizing student outcomes and to find out how we can assist you in navigating your federal funding needs.

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