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Diversity in STEM

Great Ideas Can Come from Anyone, Anywhere

Teams with a variety of perspectives often create the most impactful solutions. With some of the greatest innovators working in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields, gathering a team with a wide variety of viewpoints, experiences and backgrounds is vital. However, there is a great need for more gender and racial diversity within these fields.

The Pew Research Center states that Black and Hispanic workers are underrepresented in STEM fields, and the representation of women varies significantly across STEM careers. One way we can address the lack of diversity in these fields is to show children they can come up with impactful ideas and envision themselves in STEM careers early on.


Every Child Can Invent

Here at the National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF), we believe that every child can invent — and that every child should have the opportunity to develop their creative identity. Regardless of age, gender, race or ability, the next big idea could come from anyone, anywhere!

A study recently published in the Journal of STEM Outreach suggests that invention education can result in increased student empowerment, helping them see themselves as people who can innovate to overcome difficulties. The article goes on to explain that invention education opportunities allow children to explore features of their inventive identity — seeing situations through the context of skills such as creativity, persistence, adaptability and ideation — and to imagine themselves in future roles. Once children develop their inventive or creative identity, they realize there is a place for them in STEM and that their ideas have value.


Invention Education at NIHF

Big ideas come to life through NIHF’s hands-on invention education programs. With input from some of the world’s greatest inventors, our education team carefully designs each program, activity and resource to be inclusive and allow for self-expression. Every participating child can discover their potential in a safe, supportive learning environment and see our Hall of Famers as diverse, relatable role models.

Through invention education opportunities that are accessible and welcoming, we help children build confidence in their ability to be innovative problem solvers and make a real difference in the world around them.

When preparing future world changers and creative thinkers, it’s essential to ensure that every child is included and empowered. By raising awareness of STEM careers and generating interest in developing a creative identity, the next generation will be better prepared to face complex problems in an ever-changing future.


Learn More About the Importance of Diversity in STEM

To learn more about promoting greater inclusivity and gathering diverse perspectives in STEM fields, we invite you to visit the Diversity in STEM category of our blog.

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