A contribution to the National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF) helps support inventors and invention, promotes creativity, and advances the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship across the country. Make a donation today!

Blog Behind the NIHF Scenes

Providing Accessible Learning Opportunities

Behind the NIHF Scenes

Ensuring that children have access to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) learning opportunities not only sparks their interest in these subjects, but it also increases the likelihood that they will become innovators when they grow up. Unfortunately, not all demographic groups are exposed to innovation at equal rates. Each time you show support for the National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF) and our education programs, you are helping to bridge those gaps and provide children of all communities, including those who are underserved, with the chance to engage in innovative learning.

Everyone at NIHF is grateful for the educators facilitating our programs, parents registering their children, program participants sharing big ideas, inventors influencing our curricula, donors and sponsors providing meaningful opportunities through funding, and NIHF Museum visitors discovering our entire Innovation Ecosystem. We wish to thank you all for the impact you are making for children across the country.


Promoting Equity

Your support for NIHF contributes to closing the innovation gaps that currently exist among genders, races and socioeconomic classes. You are helping to make each of our education programs, including Camp Invention®, available in all 50 states, Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, reaching thousands of curious minds each year. These programs span from preschool through teacher professional development, promoting a lifetime of innovative thinking and creative problem solving.

Through sponsorships, donations and all forms of program involvement, you help innovators across the country to connect with relatable role models and unlock their potential through hands-on STEM learning.


Investing in the Future

As the world takes on increasingly complex challenges, it is essential that we are able to draw on a wide range of perspectives, talents and skills to successfully solve them. With this in mind, you can be confident that each time you contribute your time or resources to NIHF, you are not only benefiting individual learners, but you are also investing in a more innovative future that will benefit us all.

With your support, NIHF programs give children the chance to practice skills like collaborative problem solving and to see themselves as creators, innovators and entrepreneurs. Our program facilitators foster learning environments that encourage all participants to share their big ideas with confidence, and to treat others’ ideas with respect and appreciation. 


Help us continue to provide inclusive STEM experiences

To learn more about how NIHF offers accessible exposure to innovation, and to find more ways to get involved, please visit invent.org.

As we continue to share our thanks throughout National Gratitude Month, we encourage you to follow along with us on our NIHF and Camp Invention Facebook pages.

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